Shop Digestive Bitters

The root of good health is great digestion!
Digestive bitters can help to soothe symptoms of gas, bloating, and indigestion while promoting detoxification and healthy liver function. Choose from 5 blends of organic herbs and warming aromatics to strengthen the digestive response.*

Embrace the challenge. Taste Bitter, Feel Better.*

Digestive Bitters

All About Bitters

Humans evolved consuming a vast amount of wild plants, most of which were rich in the bitter flavor. With the birth of industrial agriculture, the bitter flavor was stripped away in exchange for mostly pleasant flavors: sweet, salty and processed food. Today we have a dramatic lack of bitterness in our daily diets.


But our bod­ies are built for bitter flavors! Bitter engages and excites the digestive system. Our brilliant tongue is like the doorbell to the digestive system. When we taste something bitter it rings that doorbell, “Ding-dong! Time to eat, time to wake up, time to digest!” All the digestive organs & secretions get “turned on” in preparation for the incoming food!


We encourage you to explore the flavor of bitter on a daily basis—whether it's a bitter green salad before dinner, a fresh spring dandelion green from your front yard, or Urban Moonshine bitters right on your tongue.